Discover the Magic of Childhood at The Shri Ram Wonder Years: Where Every Day is a New Adventure in Learning and Fun!
My soul honours your soul. I honour the place in you where the entire universe resides. I honour the light, love, truth, beauty & and place within you because it is also within me. In sharing these things we are united, we are the same, We are one.
‘श्री’ शब्द के इस छोटे से रूप के अनेकानेक अर्थ हैं। अधिकांशतः मंत्रों के उच्चारण में इस पवित्र शब्द का प्रयोग किया जाता है। ‘श्री’ का शाब्दिक अर्थ है समृद्धि।
समृद्धि हो – उत्तम विचारों की, भावों की, किसी कार्य की, उत्तमता की। समृद्धि हो – बुद्धिमता की, कुशलता की, समझदारी व आत्मविश्वास की। समृद्धि हो ऐसे चिन्तन की जो आपके भीतर अनोखी ज्योति प्रज्ज्वलित कर सके।
जिससे आपका हृदय सच्चे ज्ञान से प्रकाशित हो और आप अपने जीवन को सार्थक बना सकें।
Shri Differentiators
Pre-School Programs
Appreciation Award
The Shri Ram Wonder Years is a renowned brand in Indian academia, established by the Shri Ram group, which has overseen the nation’s premier educational institutions such as Shri Ram College of Commerce and Lady Shri Ram College for Women.
The brand offers a visionary approach to education, instilling academic excellence and essential qualities for success, through carefully crafted programs like- Circle Time, Wonder Time, Choice Time Activities, Share and Tell, DEAR (Drop Everything and Read), Reading Programme, Environment Consciousness Programme, Inclusiveness as a way of life, Theatre in Education.
The Shri Ram Wonder Years is recognized for its exceptional work in early childhood education, with a curriculum that fosters philosophies such as inclusiveness, environmental consciousness, and theatre in education.
TSWY Preschool is an institution conceived to impart the best in education coupled with development of values and personality traits that breed achievers.
Child Friendly Infrastructure
Language Sessions